My Projects

Todo App with SvelteKit screenshot

Todo App with SvelteKit

A simple Todo App made with SvelteKit

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This project was made to learn SvelteKit, it's a simple Todo App with some very useful features:

  • Add/Edit/Delete a new Todo
  • Mark a Todo as completed
  • Mark all Todos as completed
  • Set Todo priority
  • Filter Todos by priority OR completed OR name
  • Clear all
  • Persist data in LocalStorage
  • Algo Visualizer screenshot

    Algo Visualizer

    A simple visualizer for some algorithms

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    This Project was very fun. I learned a lot about sorting algorithms and how to visualize them. I also learned how to use css pre-processors and vite to bundle it up.:

  • Create random values
  • Dynamic Bar Chart
  • Asynchronous algorithm execution
  • Dynamic highlighting and bar ordering on click
  • scss with useZoom function to adapt to screen size
  • Responsive design
  • Pinard Employee table screenshot

    Pinard Employee table

    A simple create/delete employee table for simplicity, made for my wife.

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    One of my first frontend projects. this was purely made to help my wife out with her work😘. She was very happy with this custom calculator. nextjs + shadcn:

  • Form to add new employee
  • Table updated with new employee
  • Delete employee
  • Calculate total hours and compensation for the period.
  • shadcn library for easy styled components
  • Canastra card game Backend screenshot

    Canastra card game Backend

    My family favorite card game, made the backend and a feel/test of the game in the command line.


    A project close to heart! after learning Python🐍 I wanted to make something for my family, so I made the backend of our favorite game. Planning to work on a frontend and API so we can play as a webapp!:

  • Game can be modified for multiple players and decks
  • Playable in the command line with colors for easy visualization
  • Automatic validations and scoring using many algorithms
  • Clean and understandable code
  • Tests available for game validation
  • Maze Generator and Solver screenshot

    Maze Generator and Solver

    This project involves a Python application that generates and solves mazes using Tkinter for the graphical user interface.


    Another Python🐍 practice project to get a better understanding of DSA:

  • Change the size of the window and the maze
  • Change where is the starting point
  • Change the number and size of "rooms" in the maze (rows,cols)
  • Change the speed of the solver
  • Solver implemented using BFS algorithm
  • This Site ! screenshot

    This Site !

    Well I needed an original online presence, so I made this site with Nextjs and PSQL for the backend. I also wanted to show some familiarity with Web3. As you can see I'm always learning, frontend is not my forte 😅, the road to fullStack is Awesome!!

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    Every day I code is a day closer to my dreams. I'm very proud of this site, it's my first and I learned a lot from it. I'm planning to add more features and improve it as I learn more.:

  • Responsive design, mobile first
  • Admin panel for CRUD operations
  • Web3 integration with Metamask for some ☕
  • Every component was made from scratch
  • Dark Mode!
  • Blog posts with markdown
  • Tags for blog posts, reading time and word count
  • Comments on the blog posts
  • Contact form
  • Loading animations, Toasts, and Error handling
  • Please visit my Github and check my Repos!

    By Lucas Luize © 2023

    cogito ergo sum